sqlite3 database is locked解决方案




The SQLITE_BUSY result code indicates that the database file could not be written (or in some cases read) because of concurrent activity by some other database
connection, usually a database connection in a separate process.

For example, if process A is in the middle of a large write transaction and at the same time process B attempts to start a new write transaction, process B will get back an SQLITE_BUSY result because SQLite only supports one writer at a time. Process B will need to wait for process A to finish its transaction before starting a new transaction. The sqlite3_busy_timeout() and sqlite3_busy_handler() interfaces and the busy_timeout pragma are available to process B to help it deal with SQLITE_BUSY errors.



Many concurrent writers? → choose client/server

If many threads and/or processes need to write the database at the same instant (and they cannot queue up and take turns) then it is best to select a database engine that supports that capability, which always means a client/server database engine.

SQLite only supports one writer at a time per database file. But in most cases, a write transaction only takes milliseconds and so multiple writers can simply take turns. SQLite will handle more write concurrency than many people suspect. Nevertheless, client/server database systems, because they have a long-running server process at hand to coordinate access, can usually handle far more write concurrency than SQLite ever will.



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