Why your Android NDK breakpoints might fail and how to fix them



First of all let's overview the structure of a typical Android app containing native code:


The app code is stored inside an .apk file that is essentially a ZIP archive containing the classes.dex file (with all the Java code) and one or more native libraries in lib\<EABI name> subdirectory. The typical lifecycle of an application with native code is the following:

  1. The Android OS loads the Java code and starts executing it
  2. The Java code calls System.loadLibrary() to load a native library.
  3. The Java code starts calling functions from the native code.

Each native library exists in 2 versions:

  •  A "full" version debugging information that associates code addresses inside the library with source files and lines. This version resides in obj\local\armeabi under your project directory.
  • A "stripped" version without the debugging information that resides in libs\armeabi and gets packaged into the APK file.

While the Android device runs the smaller "stripped" version of the library, the GDB debugger needs the larger "non-stripped" version to map source files into addresses and vice versa:


Setting breakpoints


When you set a breakpoint on a given line of a source file, the GDB debugger needs to perform certain computations before the breakpoint can be physically created and starts triggering. Assume libNative1 is loaded at address 0x10000 and the user is setting a breakpoint in line 24 of c:\main.cpp. GDB will do the following before it can set a breakpoint:

  1. GDB starts searching all loaded libraries for the file called "c:\main.cpp". In this example the Android OS only reports the libNative1.so library.
  2. GDB looks inside obj\local\armeabi for a file called libNative1.so which is the "non-stripped" version of the library containing the debug information. GDB reads the symbol table from it and finds c:\main.cpp inside it.
  3. Based on the symbol table GDB computes that line 24 corresponds to offset +0x2. It adds 0x2 to the load address of libNative1.so (0x10000) and sets the breakpoint at 0x10002.

If any of the 3 steps fail, the breakpoint will not be created, or will be created wrongly and will never be hit. The next section explains how to diagnose and fix the related problems.

Diagnosing the problems

This section provides detailed instructions how to check for the most common problems with breakpoints caused by non-standard configurations or missing files:

A. Ensure that the library is loaded

First thing to do is to determine if the native library has been actually loaded and if GDB knows about it. It is done by running the "info shared" command in GDB:


The output from the info shared command should include 3 important lines:

  1. Loaded symbols for "linker"
  2. Loaded symbols for "libc.so"
  3. Loaded symbols for all native libraries you want to debug.

Here's an example of those lines:

If some of the libraries are not present, you can force GDB to manually reload the symbols by running the following command in GDB:

If your .so library (e.g. libMyAndroidApp.so) is listed, but the symbols are not loaded ("Syms read" states "no"), GDB was not able to find a non-stripped version of the library. To fix it please run the "show solib-search-path" command in GDB:


The obj/local/armeabi directory of your project should be present among the reported directories and it should contain the .so file with symbols. If not, copy the correct .so file into a directory listed here and rerun the "sharedlibrary" command.

You can alternatively force GDB to search additional directories for the .so file using the set solib-search-path command.

If your .so library is not present in the list, it has not been loaded by the Java code yet. Please ensure that System.loadLibrary() is called from your Java code and that it succeeds without any Java exceptions.

B. Ensure that you are using correct file paths

A common cause of many breakpoint problems is a configuration when the directories using for building and debugging your project are different. E.g. if the library was compiled from c:\projects and then the sources were moved to d:\projects, setting a breakpoint in d:\projects\main.cpp will fail, as GDB will not accept c:\projects\main.cpp as a substitute.

Those problems can be diagnosed by looking into the source file lists and comparing them with the file used to set a breakpoint. First of all, remove your breakpoint, try setting your breakpoint again and watch what GDB command is issued by your IDE:


The -break-insert command used to set a breakpoint will specify a path to your source file.

Run the "info sources" command to see the source files discovered by GDB:


Copy the output of the command to the clipboard (Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C), paste it into a text editor and search for the source file you are trying to debug (e.g. MyAndroidApp.c):


If the file is not present in the list, you have loaded a wrong version of the .so file (see previous section). If the file is present, but the path is different from the one used in -break-insert command, you have found the cause of your problem. Rebuild your app using the new path, or move the file back to an old location so that the path used for creating breakpoints matches the path reported by the "info sources" command.

Note that GDB requires the file path to be EXACTLY the same as reported by "info sources", including double slash before "jni".

C. Recheck file versions and do a clean build

If your breakpoints are set, but never hit, there is probably a mismatch between the .so file version loaded into the Android application and the .so file version used by GDB to compute addresses from source lines. The most common cause for it is the bug in the Android loader that loads the armeabi library instead of the armeabi-v7a version. If you suspect this to happen, change your build configuration to build either armeabi, or armeabi-v7a platform, but not both at the same time and rebuild your application.'

引用自  http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/493043/Why-your-Android-NDK-breakpoints-might-fail-and-ho

Linux SS5 socks 代理服务器安装

1. 配置 Socks5 编译环境

2. 安装 Socks5 必要的包

3.下载,编译安装 Socks5 
到此下载 http://sourceforge.net/projects/ss5/files/




有点 BUG 需要我们手工修正一下
# vi /etc/rc.d/init.d/ss5 找到38行


# vi /etc/rc.d/init.d/ss5 找到40行





4. 启动ss5服务

5. 添加 ss5 到服务中,并随机启动

6. 删除Socks V4模块
改名为 mod_socks4.so.bk

7. 添加 SS5 用户
ss5 默认使用1080端口,并允许任何人使用。
我们可以修改 /etc/opt/ss5/ss5.conf 中的

/etc/opt/ss5/ss5.passwd 中添加 用户名和密码如:

8. 设置允许范围



8. 查看日志



Centos/Ubuntu FTP服务器的架设和配置






vsftpd服务器的配置文件的是: /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf


使用命令(adduser)添加test用户,不能登录系统(-s /sbin/nologin),自己的文件夹在(-d /opt/test_ftp)),属于组ftp(-g ftp)
然后你需要为它设置密码 passwd test

Windows中,只要在浏览器中输入 进入FTP服务器,然后 右键 登录,输入用户名和密码就可以登录自己的目录了.







然后进入用户目录建立一个.message文件,输入欢迎信息即可(我这里写入的是Welcome to gxlinux's FTP!):















写入:local_root = /var/FTP/子目录名


/etc/vsftpd.conf 文件的





FileZilla在配置的协议中选择 “SFTP-SSH File Transfer Protocol”就可以正常登陆了。




centos FTP服务器的架设和配置


首先,看 vbox的官方文档:


  • With the --compact option, can be used to compact disk images, i.e. remove blocks that only contains zeroes. This will shrink a dynamically allocated image again; it will reduce the physical size of the image without affecting the logical size of the virtual disk. Compaction works both for base images and for diff images created as part of a snapshot.For this operation to be effective, it is required that free space in the guest system first be zeroed out using a suitable software tool. For Windows guests, you can use the sdelete tool provided by Microsoft. Executesdelete -z in the guest to zero the free disk space before compressing the virtual disk image. For Linux, use the zerofree utility which supports ext2/ext3 filesystems.Please note that compacting is currently only available for VDI images. A similar effect can be achieved by zeroing out free blocks and then cloning the disk to any other dynamically allocated format. You can use this workaround until compacting is also supported for disk formats other than VDI.

关键之处正在于 sdelete 应该使用 -c -z  两个选项 ,而网上所以的方法都说是使用 -c 选项。

 Using SDelete

SDelete is a command line utility that takes a number of options. In any given use, it allows you to delete one or more files and/or directories, or to cleanse the free space on a logical disk. SDelete accepts wild card characters as part of the directory or file specifier.


  1. 在guest os 中清理系统, windows的话可以再硬盘碎片整理一下
  2. 在 guest os 中 Windows 执行 sdelete -z -cLinux/Debian/Ubuntu 启动到Recovery Mode执行 zerofree /dev/sdaX
  3. VBoxManage modifyhd <uuid>|<filename>  --compact




Android 2.3起,新增加了一个新的类,叫StrictMode(android.os.StrictMode)。这个类可以用来帮助开发者改进他们编写的应用,并且提供了各种的策略,这些策略能随时检查报告开发者开发应用中存在的问题,比如可以监视那些本不应该在主线程中完成的工作或者其他的一些不规范和不好的代码。




Disk Reads 磁盘读

Disk Writes 磁盘写

Network access 网络访问

Custom Slow Code 自定义的运行速度慢的代码分析














XCode 无法显示Size Inspector

XCode 升级到4.5 以后,在View的设置界面中就再也找不到Size Inspector  的踪迹了,找了很长时间,才知道原来 到 4.5 的时候,引入了“Autolayout”功能来简化设计,可是,当需要手动配置某些复杂控件的时候,这个就不怎么智能了。


在Interface Builder中选中View,然后在Attributes Builder中去掉“Use Autolayout”前面的钩,如下图:


Ubuntu 12 以及 13 清除Dash主页及电影播放器(视频)历史记录的方法






Android 源代码 error: Exited sync due to fetch errors…


首先继续repo sync,若是一直提示这个错误,那么就按照下面的方法来做吧:


第一步:从这里 the password generator 获取用户名和密码,前提是你在之前填写了你的真实姓名和邮箱

第二步:将上面的页面上以machine开头的两行复制到 ~/.netrc文件中


多了个“/a”,并且指定 “--config-name”


然后就可以repo sync了

特别注意.netrc文件是在用户的根目录下,root用户就是/目录下,如果没有的话就自己建一个,把权限改为 777 好了

Install the Arduino IDE in Ubuntu 12.04


Install the Arduino IDE in Ubuntu 12.04

Installing the Arduino IDE in Ubuntu only takes a few minutes. As usual, it’s a better idea to install the Arduino straight from the source, instead of relying on the version in Ubuntu’s repository. While it wasn’t hard to install the Arduino IDE, I noticed that the Arduino GUI was really slow and laggy. This is because the startup script tells Java to use Ubuntu’s GTK look and feel, which makes everything run slowly. It’s easily fixed by changing a single line in the startup script.

Update: In the Arduino 1.0.1 update, “Serial Port” is greyed out. The fix is outlined in the troubleshooting section.

Install the Arduino IDE in Ubuntuarduino_logo

  1. Install gcc-avr, avr-libc and openjdk-6-jre if you don’t have it already.
  2. Plug in the board, see where it’s connected
  3. Download and unpack the Arduino IDEtarball
  4. Run the IDE
  5. Select your board model and serial port
  6. Run a sample program
  7. Fix the buggy interface (optional)
  8. Troubleshooting

Everything worked out of the box, other than the interface.

Install gcc-avr and avr-libc

Gcc-avr and avr-libc give your system the tools it needs to compile c into AVR machine code:

If you don’t have openjdk-6-jre already, install and configure that too:

Once those are installed plug in your board and type  $ dmesg . It will print the kernel’s ring buffer and show you what USB port your Arduino is plugged into:

According to dmesg, our board is plugged into ttyACM0.

Download and Run the Arduino IDE

Go to the downloads page on Arduino’s download page to get the latest Arduino IDE tarball (.tgz file) for your architecture. My laptop is 64-bit, so I chose accordingly. Once the file was finished downloading, I unzipped and ran it with the following command:

Select your board model and serial port

I’m using an Arduino MEGA 2560, so I went to Tools>Board>”Arduino Mega 2560 or Mega ADK.” At this point, I noticed that the GUI was really slow and hard to use. If you want to fix it before proceeding, exit the IDE and skip to the  ”Fixing the Interface” section before proceeding.

The IDE flashed an error about how my board wasn’t accessible over the COM1 port. COM1 usually refers to a 9-pin serial port, and my laptop doesn’t even have one. I went to Tools>Serial Port and selected /dev/ttyACM0, which reflected the output I saw when I checked dmesg.

The errors went away, and I went to File>Examples>Basics>Blink and clicked upload. Sure enough, the LED started blinking. You should be ready to start writing and running Arduino programs!

Fix the Arduino IDE to make it run more smoothly in Ubuntu

Exit the Arduino IDE and go to the installation folder (the folder you unzipped from the .tgz file). Edit the “arduino” script in your favorite text editor. To make Arduino use the native Swing windowing instead of forcing the GTK look and feel, which is the cause of the bugginess, change the following line:

Just delete the -D flag and its argument. Personally, I get nostalgic about the old-school Swing look and feel, but either way, it fixed all of the lagginess issues I was experiencing.arduino_ide_ubuntu

My Arduino IDE, running in Ubuntu (using SWT instead of GTK)

Troubleshooting USB and the grayed out Serial Port

When I got the Arduino 1.0.1 update, “Serial Port” was grayed out in the tools menu. Running arduino as root ( sudo ./arduino) resolved the issue, but it’s not an acceptable solution. In my case, serial port was grayed out because my user didn’t have permission to read and write to the device.

I added my user to the dialout group with the command  sudo usermod -a -G dialout mark . Usually, that would have fixed it but iserial port was still grayed out.

Changing the permissions on /dev/ttyACM0 to world readable and writeable fixed the grayed out serial port. I ran  sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0 and the serial port menu worked again.

I’ve noticed that running programs that send lots of data over USB can cause issues with the arduino programming software, making it give errors while uploading code. Holding down the reset button fixed my upload and USB errors in most cases.

Further Reading

If you read nothing else before you start writing programs, look at the official Arduino Reference page. It might be the most concise, complete language reference I’ve ever seen.

Ubuntu 13.04 Android Studio "Unrecognized VM option '+UseCodeCacheFlushing'"

下载完成最新的 Android Studio 结果执行 “./android-studio/bin/studio.sh” 的时候报告

“Unrecognized VM option '+UseCodeCacheFlushing'
Could not create the Java virtual machine.”

解决方法为 在 “/android-studio/bin” 目录下面找到 “studio.vmoptions”,如果你是 64未系统 就打开 “studio64.vmoptions”然后删除里面的 “-XX:+UseCodeCacheFlushing”