Ubuntu 12 以及 13 清除Dash主页及电影播放器(视频)历史记录的方法






Android 源代码 error: Exited sync due to fetch errors…


首先继续repo sync,若是一直提示这个错误,那么就按照下面的方法来做吧:


第一步:从这里 the password generator 获取用户名和密码,前提是你在之前填写了你的真实姓名和邮箱

第二步:将上面的页面上以machine开头的两行复制到 ~/.netrc文件中


多了个“/a”,并且指定 “--config-name”


然后就可以repo sync了

特别注意.netrc文件是在用户的根目录下,root用户就是/目录下,如果没有的话就自己建一个,把权限改为 777 好了

Install the Arduino IDE in Ubuntu 12.04


Install the Arduino IDE in Ubuntu 12.04

Installing the Arduino IDE in Ubuntu only takes a few minutes. As usual, it’s a better idea to install the Arduino straight from the source, instead of relying on the version in Ubuntu’s repository. While it wasn’t hard to install the Arduino IDE, I noticed that the Arduino GUI was really slow and laggy. This is because the startup script tells Java to use Ubuntu’s GTK look and feel, which makes everything run slowly. It’s easily fixed by changing a single line in the startup script.

Update: In the Arduino 1.0.1 update, “Serial Port” is greyed out. The fix is outlined in the troubleshooting section.

Install the Arduino IDE in Ubuntuarduino_logo

  1. Install gcc-avr, avr-libc and openjdk-6-jre if you don’t have it already.
  2. Plug in the board, see where it’s connected
  3. Download and unpack the Arduino IDEtarball
  4. Run the IDE
  5. Select your board model and serial port
  6. Run a sample program
  7. Fix the buggy interface (optional)
  8. Troubleshooting

Everything worked out of the box, other than the interface.

Install gcc-avr and avr-libc

Gcc-avr and avr-libc give your system the tools it needs to compile c into AVR machine code:

If you don’t have openjdk-6-jre already, install and configure that too:

Once those are installed plug in your board and type  $ dmesg . It will print the kernel’s ring buffer and show you what USB port your Arduino is plugged into:

According to dmesg, our board is plugged into ttyACM0.

Download and Run the Arduino IDE

Go to the downloads page on Arduino’s download page to get the latest Arduino IDE tarball (.tgz file) for your architecture. My laptop is 64-bit, so I chose accordingly. Once the file was finished downloading, I unzipped and ran it with the following command:

Select your board model and serial port

I’m using an Arduino MEGA 2560, so I went to Tools>Board>”Arduino Mega 2560 or Mega ADK.” At this point, I noticed that the GUI was really slow and hard to use. If you want to fix it before proceeding, exit the IDE and skip to the  ”Fixing the Interface” section before proceeding.

The IDE flashed an error about how my board wasn’t accessible over the COM1 port. COM1 usually refers to a 9-pin serial port, and my laptop doesn’t even have one. I went to Tools>Serial Port and selected /dev/ttyACM0, which reflected the output I saw when I checked dmesg.

The errors went away, and I went to File>Examples>Basics>Blink and clicked upload. Sure enough, the LED started blinking. You should be ready to start writing and running Arduino programs!

Fix the Arduino IDE to make it run more smoothly in Ubuntu

Exit the Arduino IDE and go to the installation folder (the folder you unzipped from the .tgz file). Edit the “arduino” script in your favorite text editor. To make Arduino use the native Swing windowing instead of forcing the GTK look and feel, which is the cause of the bugginess, change the following line:

Just delete the -D flag and its argument. Personally, I get nostalgic about the old-school Swing look and feel, but either way, it fixed all of the lagginess issues I was experiencing.arduino_ide_ubuntu

My Arduino IDE, running in Ubuntu (using SWT instead of GTK)

Troubleshooting USB and the grayed out Serial Port

When I got the Arduino 1.0.1 update, “Serial Port” was grayed out in the tools menu. Running arduino as root ( sudo ./arduino) resolved the issue, but it’s not an acceptable solution. In my case, serial port was grayed out because my user didn’t have permission to read and write to the device.

I added my user to the dialout group with the command  sudo usermod -a -G dialout mark . Usually, that would have fixed it but iserial port was still grayed out.

Changing the permissions on /dev/ttyACM0 to world readable and writeable fixed the grayed out serial port. I ran  sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0 and the serial port menu worked again.

I’ve noticed that running programs that send lots of data over USB can cause issues with the arduino programming software, making it give errors while uploading code. Holding down the reset button fixed my upload and USB errors in most cases.

Further Reading

If you read nothing else before you start writing programs, look at the official Arduino Reference page. It might be the most concise, complete language reference I’ve ever seen.

Ubuntu 13.04 Android Studio "Unrecognized VM option '+UseCodeCacheFlushing'"

下载完成最新的 Android Studio 结果执行 “./android-studio/bin/studio.sh” 的时候报告

“Unrecognized VM option '+UseCodeCacheFlushing'
Could not create the Java virtual machine.”

解决方法为 在 “/android-studio/bin” 目录下面找到 “studio.vmoptions”,如果你是 64未系统 就打开 “studio64.vmoptions”然后删除里面的 “-XX:+UseCodeCacheFlushing”

Ubuntu12.10 Broadcom (BCM4311)无线网卡驱动问题

DELL E5400 电脑安装 Ubuntu 12.10 ,但是不能识别无线网卡,在这个时候,查看默认的驱动,默认使用的驱动存在问题。



2013-05-26 00:47:45的屏幕截图

Ubuntu 13.04 用户安装 Flash plugin for Firefox

转自 http://imcn.me/html/y2012/11199.html

今天有童鞋在 Ubuntu QQ群中请教如果为火狐浏览器安装 flashplayer 插件问题,其实这个很简单,此教程以ubuntu 12.04 为列,其实Ubuntu 10.04 之后的版本都可以按照这样的方式安装,因为在ubuntu 软件中没有Flash plugin,那么我么需要手动添加源,去adobe官方网站就可以,使用方便,打开网站:http://get.adobe.com/cn/flashplayer/

然后如图选择“APT,适用于ubuntu 10.04 +”意思就是ubuntu10.04以上版本,再点击“立即下载”按钮。







一直是用四节镍氢电池来作为小车的电源,某天在网上看到了一个 5V,9V,12V的多用锂电池电源,忍不住就买了个过来,本以为很轻松的换上就可以了,结果当接到12V的电源口子上面的时候,总是自动断开,进入保护模式,感觉很奇怪。




感觉尽管小车有四个马达,但是功率不至于达到 12V*1.5A 这么恐怖的地步。







请注意 “停车”这两个字,当时为了使得小车在获得超声传感器的反馈后才会动作,因此要求小车运动一段距离以后就要停下来等待传感器。







VBScript 中读取环境变量


Eclipse使用SVN插件报Failed to load JavaHL Library.错误

最近在使用Eclipse的SVN插件时总是弹出一个大大的对话框,报一个Failed to load JavaHL Library.错误





2.选择SVNKit (Pure Java) xxxxxx



Android 中的FrameLayout 布局

最近在研究 Cocos2dX ,一直没弄明白 GLSurfaceView 是如何工作的,研究代码发现了动态创建了FrameLayout(单帧布局) ,特意研究了一下这个布局,信息,发现果然比较适合 OpenGL ES 之流的东西的绘制。

FrameLayout是五大布局中最简单的一个布局, 在这个布局中,整个界面被当成一块空白备用区域,所有的子元素都不能被指定放置的位置,它们统统放于这块区域的左上角,并且后面的子元素直接覆盖在前面的 子元素之上,将前面的子元素部分和全部遮挡。显示效果如下,第一个TextView被第二个TextView完全遮挡,第三个TextView遮挡了第二 个TextView的部分位置。


参考的XML 信息

这样子,就可以保证,前面的Java控件的绘制,不会阻挡了后面的C++ 代码的绘制,加上JNI 的协助,基本上实现了本地代码跟其他Java的近乎实时的无缝交互。