Error: Attribute Signature requires InnerClasses attribute. Check -keepattributes directive





Signature (Java 8 or higher) works only Java 8 or higher and InnerClasses (Java 5 or higher) so check your Android Studio is using Java SDK version. Please update your Proguard config with below settings

Add this line to your file:

InnerClasses (Java 5 or higher)

Specifies the relationship between a class and its inner classes and outer classes. Other than this and the naming convention with a '$' separator between the names of inner classes and outer classes, inner classes are just like ordinary classes. Compilers may need this information to find classes referenced in a compiled library. Code may access this information by reflection, for instance to derive the simple name of the class.

Signature (Java 8 or higher)

Specifies the generic signature of the class, field, or method. Compilers may need this information to properly compile classes that use generic types from compiled libraries. Code may access this signature by reflection.

More details about -keepattributes and more settings you can apply, please see below link.

Proguard options


Android Build Error: Attribute Signature requires InnerClasses attribute. Check -keepattributes directive



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