macOS Big Sur(11.7.5)编译Android 12.0源码过程总结

Android 11系统映像可直接将 ARM 指令转换成 x86 指令,因此以前很多需要真机测试的情况,现在只需要模拟器就可以进行操作了。

不过,根据官方博客 Run ARM apps on the Android Emulator 尾部的一段注意事项:

Note that the ARM to x86 translation technology enables the execution of intellectual property owned by Arm Limited. It will only be available on Google APIs and Play Store system images, and can only be used for application development and debug purposes on x86 desktop, laptop, customer on-premises servers, and customer-procured cloud-based environments. The technology should not be used in the provision of commercial hosted services.



  • macOS Big Sur(11.7.5)
  • Homebrew (1.1.9 或更高版本)
  • Xcode (13.2.1或更高版本)
  • Android Studio Electric Eel | 2022.1.1 Patch 2

注意:根据Google官方文档,2021年6月22日之后的Android系统版本不支持在macOS系统上构建,我们只能构建之前的版本,或者之后发布的以前版本的补丁修复。目前测试最高只能编译到Android 12.0,  Android  12.1编译不通过。

Important: Platform development on MacOS isn't supported as of June 22, 2021.




针对文件系统不是 AppleFS 的磁盘,建议创建大小写敏感的文件镜像并挂载。参考如下命令:

$ cd ~

# 磁盘空间不可低于300GB,目前测试低于300GB可能会空间不足导致编译失败
$ hdiutil create -type SPARSE -fs 'Case-sensitive Journaled HFS+' -volname aosp -size 300g aosp.dmg 

$ hdiutil attach aosp.dmg.sparseimage -mountpoint /Volumes/aosp


$ diskutil apfs addVolume disk1 'Case-sensitive APFS' aosp
$ cd /Volumes/aosp 

$ mkdir AndSrc 

# 不建议直接在aosp目录下直接操作,由于APFS创建的卷宗根目录下会放置回收站 .Trashes 因此编译的时候可能会报错: 
# opendir failed: .Trashes: Operation not permitted 
$ cd AndSrc

$ repo init -u -b android-security-12.0.0_r41 --repo-url=

$ repo sync -j4 --fail-fast

$ source build/

# too many open files 
$ ulimit -S -n 4096

# 纯x86系统镜像,不能安装arm应用
# lunch aosp_x86_64

# eng:代表 engineer,开发工程师的版本,拥有最大的权限(root等),具有额外调试工具的开发配置。 
# 执行 lunch 命令可以输出全部的编译目标列表 
# 更多的编译选项可以从 build/make/target/product/ 下看到 
# lunch aosp_x86_arm-eng 编译后的镜像可以安装 arm 应用, 不过在不进行任何代码调整的情况下,应用启动会崩溃 
# 镜像无法安装ARM应用

$ lunch aosp_x86_64-eng

$ export USE_CCACHE=1  

# 如果需要跟踪调试代码,建议编译为调试类型
# export TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=debug

$ m

选择system-qemu.img和vendor-qemu.img,这两个镜像是专门为qemu运行制作的,如果选择system.img 和vendor.img,则avd运行失败。

$ cd /Volumes/aosp/AndSrc

$ export ANDROID_BUILD_TOP=/Volumes/aosp/AndSrc

$ export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/out/host/linux-x86/bin

$ export ANDROID_SWT=$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/out/host/linux-x86/framework

$ export ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT=$ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/out/target/product/generic_x86_64

$ ./prebuilts/android-emulator/darwin-x86_64/emulator -verbose -show-kernel

上面运行起来的镜像是从` /Volumes/aosp/AndSrc/out/target/product/generic_x86_64/hardware-qemu.ini`即可读取配置信息的,但是这个文件直接修改无效,我们如果需要修改参数,只能从启动参数中设置。

$ ./prebuilts/android-emulator/darwin-x86_64/emulator -gpu on -memory 4096 -verbose -show-kernel

[ 93% 234/250] test android/soong/sh
FAILED: out/soong/.bootstrap/soong-sh/test/test.passed
out/soong/.bootstrap/bin/gotestrunner -p ./build/soong/sh -f out/soong/.bootstrap/soong-sh/test/test.passed -- out/soong/.bootstrap/soong-sh/test/test -test.short
--- FAIL: TestShTest_dataModules (67.90s)
    sh_binary_test.go:38: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    sh_binary_test.go:38: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
[ 94% 235/250] test android/soong/sysprop
FAILED: out/soong/.bootstrap/soong-sysprop/test/test.passed
out/soong/.bootstrap/bin/gotestrunner -p ./build/soong/sysprop -f out/soong/.bootstrap/soong-sysprop/test/test.passed -- out/soong/.bootstrap/soong-sysprop/test/test -test.short
--- FAIL: TestApexAvailabilityIsForwarded (56.26s)
    sysprop_test.go:329: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    sysprop_test.go:329: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    sysprop_test.go:329: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    sysprop_test.go:329: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestMinSdkVersionIsForwarded (0.17s)
    sysprop_test.go:351: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    sysprop_test.go:351: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    sysprop_test.go:351: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    sysprop_test.go:351: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestSyspropLibrary (0.30s)
    sysprop_test.go:139: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    sysprop_test.go:139: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    sysprop_test.go:139: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    sysprop_test.go:139: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
[ 94% 236/250] test android/soong/kernel
FAILED: out/soong/.bootstrap/soong-kernel/test/test.passed
out/soong/.bootstrap/bin/gotestrunner -p ./build/soong/kernel -f out/soong/.bootstrap/soong-kernel/test/test.passed -- out/soong/.bootstrap/soong-kernel/test/test -test.short
--- FAIL: TestKernelModulesFilelist (72.15s)
    prebuilt_kernel_modules_test.go:34: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    prebuilt_kernel_modules_test.go:34: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    prebuilt_kernel_modules_test.go:34: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    prebuilt_kernel_modules_test.go:34: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
[ 94% 237/250] test android/soong/bpf
FAILED: out/soong/.bootstrap/soong-bpf/test/test.passed
out/soong/.bootstrap/bin/gotestrunner -p ./build/soong/bpf -f out/soong/.bootstrap/soong-bpf/test/test.passed -- out/soong/.bootstrap/soong-bpf/test/test -test.short
--- FAIL: TestBpfDataDependency (70.89s)
    bpf_test.go:55: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    bpf_test.go:55: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
[ 95% 238/250] test android/soong/rust
FAILED: out/soong/.bootstrap/soong-rust/test/test.passed
out/soong/.bootstrap/bin/gotestrunner -p ./build/soong/rust -f out/soong/.bootstrap/soong-rust/test/test.passed -- out/soong/.bootstrap/soong-rust/test/test -test.short
--- FAIL: TestClippy (70.54s)
    --- FAIL: TestClippy/path= (70.24s)
        clippy_test.go:63: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        clippy_test.go:63: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        clippy_test.go:63: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestClippy/path=external/ (0.09s)
        clippy_test.go:63: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        clippy_test.go:63: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        clippy_test.go:63: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        clippy_test.go:63: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestClippy/path=hardware/ (0.20s)
        clippy_test.go:63: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        clippy_test.go:63: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestLints (0.66s)
    --- FAIL: TestLints/path= (0.20s)
        compiler_test.go:171: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        compiler_test.go:171: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        compiler_test.go:171: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        compiler_test.go:171: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestLints/path=external/ (0.23s)
        compiler_test.go:171: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        compiler_test.go:171: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestLints/path=hardware/ (0.23s)
        compiler_test.go:171: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestProjectJsonBinary (0.24s)
    project_json_test.go:34: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    project_json_test.go:34: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestProjectJsonBindGen (0.22s)
    project_json_test.go:34: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    project_json_test.go:34: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    project_json_test.go:34: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    project_json_test.go:34: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestProjectJsonDep (0.25s)
    project_json_test.go:34: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    project_json_test.go:34: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    project_json_test.go:34: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    project_json_test.go:34: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    project_json_test.go:34: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    project_json_test.go:34: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestProjectJsonFeature (0.23s)
    project_json_test.go:34: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    project_json_test.go:34: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestProjectJsonMultiVersion (0.21s)
    project_json_test.go:34: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    project_json_test.go:34: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    project_json_test.go:34: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
[ 95% 239/250] test android/soong/filesystem
FAILED: out/soong/.bootstrap/soong-filesystem/test/test.passed
out/soong/.bootstrap/bin/gotestrunner -p ./build/soong/filesystem -f out/soong/.bootstrap/soong-filesystem/test/test.passed -- out/soong/.bootstrap/soong-filesystem/test/test -test.short
--- FAIL: TestFileSystemDeps (75.42s)
    filesystem_test.go:36: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    filesystem_test.go:36: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestFileSystemFillsLinkerConfigWithStubLibs (0.10s)
    filesystem_test.go:47: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    filesystem_test.go:47: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
[ 96% 240/250] test android/soong/aidl
FAILED: out/soong/.bootstrap/aidl-soong-rules/test/test.passed
out/soong/.bootstrap/bin/gotestrunner -p ./system/tools/aidl/build -f out/soong/.bootstrap/aidl-soong-rules/test/test.passed -- out/soong/.bootstrap/aidl-soong-rules/test/test -test.short
--- FAIL: TestAidlFlags (61.76s)
    aidl_test.go:1178: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:1178: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:1178: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:1178: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestAidlImportFlagsForIncludeDirs (0.27s)
    aidl_test.go:1040: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:1040: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:1040: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:1040: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestAidlModuleNameContainsVersion (0.26s)
    aidl_test.go:1210: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:1210: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestCcModuleWithApexNameMacro (0.18s)
    aidl_test.go:922: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:922: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:922: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:922: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestCreatesModulesWithFrozenVersions (0.45s)
    aidl_test.go:480: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:480: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:480: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:480: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestCreatesModulesWithNoVersions (0.28s)
    aidl_test.go:444: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:444: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:444: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:444: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestDuplicatedVersions (0.91s)
    aidl_test.go:831: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:831: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestExplicitAidlModuleImport (0.27s)
    aidl_test.go:1221: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:1221: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:1221: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:1221: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestImportInRelease (0.36s)
    aidl_test.go:360: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:360: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:360: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:360: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestImports (0.35s)
    aidl_test.go:711: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:711: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestNativeOutputIsAlwaysVersioned (0.29s)
    aidl_test.go:594: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:594: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:594: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:594: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestNonVersionedModuleUsageInRelease (0.31s)
    aidl_test.go:320: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:320: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestRustDuplicateNames (0.29s)
    aidl_test.go:993: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:993: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestSrcsAvailable (0.30s)
    aidl_test.go:980: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:980: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestSupportsGenruleAndFilegroup (0.30s)
    aidl_test.go:1113: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:1113: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:1113: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:1113: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestUnstableModules (0.31s)
    aidl_test.go:425: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:425: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:425: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:425: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestUnstableVersionUsageInRelease (0.59s)
    aidl_test.go:274: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:274: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestUnstableVersionedModuleUsageInRelease (0.46s)
    aidl_test.go:385: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:385: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestUnstableVndkModule (0.29s)
    aidl_test.go:907: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:907: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:907: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:907: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVintfWithoutVersionInRelease (0.30s)
    aidl_test.go:248: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    aidl_test.go:248: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
[ 96% 241/250] test android/soong/java
FAILED: out/soong/.bootstrap/soong-java/test/test.passed
out/soong/.bootstrap/bin/gotestrunner -p ./build/soong/java -f out/soong/.bootstrap/soong-java/test/test.passed -- out/soong/.bootstrap/soong-java/test/test -test.short
--- FAIL: TestBinary (62.01s)
    java_test.go:423: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    java_test.go:423: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestEmbedNotice (0.19s)
    app_test.go:2573: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    app_test.go:2573: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    app_test.go:2573: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    app_test.go:2573: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestJNIABI (0.16s)
    app_test.go:1161: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    app_test.go:1161: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    app_test.go:1161: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    app_test.go:1161: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestJNIPackaging (0.12s)
    app_test.go:1279: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    app_test.go:1279: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    app_test.go:1279: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    app_test.go:1279: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestJNISDK (0.21s)
    app_test.go:1370: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    app_test.go:1370: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestStl (0.15s)
    app_test.go:2176: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    app_test.go:2176: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestTest (0.02s)
    java_test.go:466: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    java_test.go:466: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestUpdatableApps_ErrorIfJniLibDoesntSupportMinSdkVersion (0.16s)
    app_test.go:487: missing the expected error "\"libjni\" .*: sdk_version\\(current\\) is higher than min_sdk_version\\(29\\)" (checked 2 error(s))
    app_test.go:487: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    app_test.go:487: errs[1] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
--- FAIL: TestUpdatableApps_JniLibShouldBeBuiltAgainstMinSdkVersion (0.15s)
    app_test.go:441: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    app_test.go:441: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    app_test.go:441: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    app_test.go:441: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestUpdatableApps_JniLibsShouldShouldSupportMinSdkVersion (0.15s)
    app_test.go:397: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    app_test.go:397: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    app_test.go:397: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    app_test.go:397: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestUpdatableApps_TransitiveDepsShouldSetMinSdkVersion (0.16s)
    app_test.go:379: missing the expected error "module \"bar\".*: should support min_sdk_version\\(29\\)" (checked 4 error(s))
    app_test.go:379: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    app_test.go:379: errs[1] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    app_test.go:379: errs[2] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    app_test.go:379: errs[3] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
[ 96% 242/250] test android/soong/cc
FAILED: out/soong/.bootstrap/soong-cc/test/test.passed
out/soong/.bootstrap/bin/gotestrunner -p ./build/soong/cc -f out/soong/.bootstrap/soong-cc/test/test.passed -- out/soong/.bootstrap/soong-cc/test/test -test.short
--- FAIL: TestAidlFlagsPassedToTheAidlCompiler (74.51s)
    cc_test.go:3696: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3696: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3696: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3696: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestAsan (0.13s)
    sanitize_test.go:101: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    sanitize_test.go:101: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestCcObjectWithBazel (0.14s)
    object_test.go:99: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    object_test.go:99: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    object_test.go:99: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    object_test.go:99: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestDataLibs (0.20s)
    cc_test.go:803: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:803: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:803: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:803: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestDataLibsPrebuiltSharedTestLibrary (0.19s)
    cc_test.go:3210: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3210: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestDataLibsRelativeInstallPath (0.21s)
    cc_test.go:854: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:854: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:854: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:854: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestDefaults (0.24s)
    cc_test.go:3441: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3441: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3441: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3441: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestDoubleLoadbleDep (0.19s)
    cc_test.go:1170: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:1170: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:1170: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:1170: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestEnforceProductVndkVersion (0.23s)
    cc_test.go:2219: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:2219: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestErrorsIfAModuleDependsOnDisabled (0.16s)
    cc_test.go:3380: missing the expected error "module \"libA\" .* depends on disabled module \"libB\"" (checked 4 error(s))
    cc_test.go:3380: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    cc_test.go:3380: errs[1] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    cc_test.go:3380: errs[2] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    cc_test.go:3380: errs[3] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
--- FAIL: TestExcludeRuntimeLibs (0.21s)
    cc_test.go:3004: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3004: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3004: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3004: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestFuchsiaDeps (0.06s)
    cc_test.go:172: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:172: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:172: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:172: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestFuchsiaTargetDecl (0.05s)
    cc_test.go:211: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:211: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:211: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:211: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestFuzzTarget (0.18s)
    cc_test.go:3400: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3400: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3400: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3400: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestGen (0.39s)
    --- FAIL: TestGen/simple (0.20s)
        gen_test.go:27: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        gen_test.go:27: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestGen/filegroup (0.19s)
        gen_test.go:47: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        gen_test.go:47: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestIncludeDirsExporting (1.03s)
    --- FAIL: TestIncludeDirsExporting/ensure_exported_include_dirs_are_not_automatically_re-exported_from_shared_libs (0.20s)
        cc_test.go:4106: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        cc_test.go:4106: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        cc_test.go:4106: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        cc_test.go:4106: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestIncludeDirsExporting/ensure_exported_include_dirs_are_automatically_re-exported_from_whole_static_libs (0.21s)
        cc_test.go:4150: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        cc_test.go:4150: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        cc_test.go:4150: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        cc_test.go:4150: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestIncludeDirsExporting/ensure_only_aidl_headers_are_exported (0.23s)
        cc_test.go:4205: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        cc_test.go:4205: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestIncludeDirsExporting/ensure_only_proto_headers_are_exported (0.24s)
        cc_test.go:4238: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        cc_test.go:4238: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        cc_test.go:4238: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        cc_test.go:4238: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestIncludeDirsExporting/ensure_only_sysprop_headers_are_exported (0.15s)
        cc_test.go:4267: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        cc_test.go:4267: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestInstallPartition (0.24s)
    cc_test.go:288: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:288: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:288: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:288: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestInstallSharedLibs (0.14s)
    cc_test.go:3608: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3608: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3608: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3608: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestLibraryGenruleCmd (0.23s)
    genrule_test.go:106: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    genrule_test.go:106: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    genrule_test.go:106: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    genrule_test.go:106: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestLibraryHeaders (0.18s)
    library_headers_test.go:23: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    library_headers_test.go:23: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    library_headers_test.go:23: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    library_headers_test.go:23: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestLibraryReuse (1.17s)
    --- FAIL: TestLibraryReuse/simple (0.23s)
        library_test.go:26: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        library_test.go:26: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestLibraryReuse/extra_static_source (0.20s)
        library_test.go:52: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        library_test.go:52: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestLibraryReuse/extra_shared_source (0.18s)
        library_test.go:78: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        library_test.go:78: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        library_test.go:78: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        library_test.go:78: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestLibraryReuse/extra_static_cflags (0.19s)
        library_test.go:104: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        library_test.go:104: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        library_test.go:104: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        library_test.go:104: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestLibraryReuse/extra_shared_cflags (0.20s)
        library_test.go:130: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        library_test.go:130: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        library_test.go:130: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        library_test.go:130: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestLibraryReuse/global_cflags_for_reused_generated_sources (0.16s)
        library_test.go:156: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        library_test.go:156: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestLinkerScript (0.21s)
    --- FAIL: TestLinkerScript/script (0.21s)
        object_test.go:78: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        object_test.go:78: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        object_test.go:78: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        object_test.go:78: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestLlndkHeaders (0.24s)
    cc_test.go:2836: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:2836: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:2836: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:2836: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestLlndkLibrary (0.22s)
    cc_test.go:2742: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:2742: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:2742: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:2742: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestMakeLinkType (0.18s)
    cc_test.go:2447: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:2447: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestMinSdkVersionInClangTriple (0.21s)
    cc_test.go:3714: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3714: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3714: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3714: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestMinSdkVersionsOfCrtObjects (0.19s)
    object_test.go:23: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    object_test.go:23: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    object_test.go:23: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    object_test.go:23: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestPrebuilt (0.22s)
    prebuilt_test.go:35: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    prebuilt_test.go:35: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestPrebuiltLibrary (0.20s)
    prebuilt_test.go:35: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    prebuilt_test.go:35: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestPrebuiltLibraryHeaders (0.20s)
    library_headers_test.go:44: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    library_headers_test.go:44: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestPrebuiltLibrarySanitized (0.19s)
    prebuilt_test.go:35: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestPrebuiltLibraryShared (0.19s)
    prebuilt_test.go:35: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestPrebuiltLibrarySharedStem (0.20s)
    prebuilt_test.go:35: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    prebuilt_test.go:35: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestPrebuiltLibraryStatic (0.19s)
    prebuilt_test.go:35: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestPrebuiltLibraryStem (0.18s)
    prebuilt_test.go:35: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    prebuilt_test.go:35: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestPrepareForTestWithCcDefaultModules (0.11s)
    cc_test.go:152: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:152: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:152: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:152: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestProductVariableDefaults (0.19s)
    cc_test.go:3533: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3533: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3533: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3533: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestProductVndkExtDependency (0.24s)
    cc_test.go:1899: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:1899: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestProto (0.32s)
    --- FAIL: TestProto/simple (0.13s)
        proto_test.go:26: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        proto_test.go:26: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        proto_test.go:26: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        proto_test.go:26: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestProto/plugin (0.19s)
        proto_test.go:40: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        proto_test.go:40: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        proto_test.go:40: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        proto_test.go:40: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestRecovery (0.21s)
    cc_test.go:3156: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3156: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3156: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3156: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestRecoverySnapshotCapture (0.13s)
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1241: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1241: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1241: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1241: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestRecoverySnapshotDirected (0.21s)
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1464: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1464: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1464: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1464: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestRecoverySnapshotExclude (0.16s)
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1365: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1365: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestRuntimeLibs (0.21s)
    cc_test.go:2968: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:2968: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:2968: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:2968: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestRuntimeLibsNoVndk (0.18s)
    cc_test.go:3016: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3016: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestSanitizeMemtagHeap (0.23s)
    cc_test.go:3849: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3849: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3849: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3849: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestSanitizeMemtagHeapWithSanitizeDevice (0.25s)
    cc_test.go:3910: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3910: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3910: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3910: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestSanitizeMemtagHeapWithSanitizeDeviceDiag (0.21s)
    cc_test.go:3972: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3972: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestStaticDepsOrderWithStubs (0.15s)
    cc_test.go:3340: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3340: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3340: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3340: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestStaticExecutable (0.15s)
    cc_test.go:3315: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3315: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestStaticLibDepExport (0.16s)
    cc_test.go:3056: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3056: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3056: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3056: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestStaticLibDepReordering (0.15s)
    cc_test.go:2656: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:2656: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:2656: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:2656: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestStaticLibDepReorderingWithShared (0.15s)
    cc_test.go:2695: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:2695: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:2695: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:2695: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestStubsLibReexportsHeaders (0.15s)
    cc_test.go:3664: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3664: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestStubsVersions (0.11s)
    library_test.go:204: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    library_test.go:204: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestUseCrtObjectOfCorrectVersion (0.14s)
    object_test.go:53: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    object_test.go:53: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVendorModuleUseVndkExt (0.16s)
    cc_test.go:1719: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:1719: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:1719: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:1719: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVendorPublicLibraries (0.15s)
    vendor_public_library_test.go:23: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    vendor_public_library_test.go:23: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVendorSnapshotCapture (0.15s)
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:90: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:90: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:90: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:90: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVendorSnapshotDirected (0.12s)
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:220: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:220: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:220: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:220: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVendorSnapshotExclude (0.10s)
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1081: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1081: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVendorSnapshotExcludeInVendorProprietaryPathErrors (0.11s)
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: missing the expected error "module \"libvendor\\{.+,image:vendor.+,arch:arm64_.+\\}\" in vendor proprietary path \"device\" may not use \"exclude_from_vendor_snapshot: true\"" (checked 4 error(s))
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: errs[1] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: errs[2] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: errs[3] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: missing the expected error "module \"libvendor\\{.+,image:vendor.+,arch:arm_.+\\}\" in vendor proprietary path \"device\" may not use \"exclude_from_vendor_snapshot: true\"" (checked 4 error(s))
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: errs[1] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: errs[2] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: errs[3] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: missing the expected error "module \"libvendor\\{.+,image:vendor.+,arch:arm64_.+\\}\" in vendor proprietary path \"device\" may not use \"exclude_from_vendor_snapshot: true\"" (checked 4 error(s))
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: errs[1] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: errs[2] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: errs[3] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: missing the expected error "module \"libvendor\\{.+,image:vendor.+,arch:arm_.+\\}\" in vendor proprietary path \"device\" may not use \"exclude_from_vendor_snapshot: true\"" (checked 4 error(s))
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: errs[1] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: errs[2] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: errs[3] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: missing the expected error "module \"libvendor\\{.+,image:vendor.+,arch:arm64_.+\\}\" in vendor proprietary path \"device\" may not use \"exclude_from_vendor_snapshot: true\"" (checked 4 error(s))
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: errs[1] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: errs[2] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: errs[3] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: missing the expected error "module \"libvendor\\{.+,image:vendor.+,arch:arm_.+\\}\" in vendor proprietary path \"device\" may not use \"exclude_from_vendor_snapshot: true\"" (checked 4 error(s))
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: errs[1] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: errs[2] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:1174: errs[3] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
--- FAIL: TestVendorSnapshotSanitizer (0.14s)
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:996: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:996: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:996: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:996: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVendorSnapshotUse (0.11s)
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:811: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:811: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:811: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    vendor_snapshot_test.go:811: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVendorSrc (0.15s)
    cc_test.go:221: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:221: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:221: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:221: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVersionedStubs (0.15s)
    cc_test.go:3237: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3237: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3237: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3237: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVndk (0.16s)
    cc_test.go:598: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:598: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:598: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:598: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVndkExt (0.16s)
    cc_test.go:1454: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:1454: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:1454: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:1454: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVndkExtUseVendorLib (0.13s)
    cc_test.go:1773: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:1773: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:1773: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:1773: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVndkExtWithoutBoardVndkVersion (0.10s)
    cc_test.go:1468: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:1468: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:1468: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:1468: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVndkExtWithoutProductVndkVersion (0.11s)
    cc_test.go:1499: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:1499: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVndkLibrariesTxtAndroidMk (0.13s)
    cc_test.go:724: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:724: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:724: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:724: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVndkUsingCoreVariant (0.11s)
    cc_test.go:778: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:778: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:778: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:778: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVndkWhenVndkVersionIsNotSet (0.11s)
    cc_test.go:881: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:881: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:881: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:881: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVndkWithHostSupported (0.13s)
    cc_test.go:680: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:680: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestEmptyWholeStaticLibsAllowMissingDependencies (0.17s)
    cc_test.go:3557: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    cc_test.go:3557: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
[ 97% 243/250] test android/soong/apex
FAILED: out/soong/.bootstrap/soong-apex/test/test.passed
out/soong/.bootstrap/bin/gotestrunner -p ./build/soong/apex -f out/soong/.bootstrap/soong-apex/test/test.passed -- out/soong/.bootstrap/soong-apex/test/test -test.short
--- FAIL: TestAllowedFiles (60.67s)
    apex_test.go:7239: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:7239: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:7239: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestAndroidMkWritesCommonProperties (0.17s)
    apex_test.go:2580: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2580: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestAndroidMk_VendorApexRequired (0.28s)
    apex_test.go:2548: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2548: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexAvailable_CheckForPlatform (0.24s)
    apex_test.go:5442: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5442: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5442: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexAvailable_CreatedForApex (0.24s)
    apex_test.go:5505: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5505: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5505: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexAvailable_DirectDep (0.34s)
    apex_test.go:5300: missing the expected error "requires \"libfoo\" that doesn't list the APEX under 'apex_available'." (checked 3 error(s))
    apex_test.go:5300: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:5300: errs[1] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:5300: errs[2] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
--- FAIL: TestApexAvailable_IndirectDep (0.29s)
    apex_test.go:5337: missing the expected error "requires \"libbaz\" that doesn't list the APEX under 'apex_available'.\\n\\nDependency path:\n.*via tag apex\\.dependencyTag.*name:sharedLib.*\n.*-> libfoo.*link:shared.*\n.*via tag cc\\.libraryDependencyTag.*Kind:sharedLibraryDependency.*\n.*-> libbar.*link:shared.*\n.*via tag cc\\.libraryDependencyTag.*Kind:sharedLibraryDependency.*\n.*-> libbaz.*link:shared.*" (checked 5 error(s))
    apex_test.go:5337: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:5337: errs[1] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:5337: errs[2] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:5337: errs[3] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:5337: errs[4] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
--- FAIL: TestApexAvailable_InvalidApexName (0.47s)
    apex_test.go:5402: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5402: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5402: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexDependsOnLLNDKTransitively (0.58s)
    --- FAIL: TestApexDependsOnLLNDKTransitively/unspecified_version_links_to_the_latest (0.25s)
        apex_test.go:1325: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:1325: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:1325: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestApexDependsOnLLNDKTransitively/always_use_the_latest (0.32s)
        apex_test.go:1325: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:1325: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexInVariousPartition (2.19s)
    --- FAIL: TestApexInVariousPartition/:system (0.43s)
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestApexInVariousPartition/product_specific:_true:product (0.38s)
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestApexInVariousPartition/soc_specific:_true:vendor (0.36s)
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestApexInVariousPartition/proprietary:_true:vendor (0.34s)
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestApexInVariousPartition/vendor:_true:vendor (0.33s)
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestApexInVariousPartition/system_ext_specific:_true:system_ext (0.35s)
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:3984: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexKeyFromOtherModule (0.33s)
    apex_test.go:4122: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:4122: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:4122: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:4122: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:4122: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:4122: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexKeysTxt (0.38s)
    apex_test.go:7198: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:7198: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexManifest (0.31s)
    apex_test.go:691: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:691: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexMinSdkVersion_DefaultsToLatest (0.30s)
    apex_test.go:1624: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:1624: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:1624: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexMinSdkVersion_ErrorIfDepIsNewer (0.32s)
    apex_test.go:2053: missing the expected error "module \"mylib2\".*: should support min_sdk_version\\(29\\) for \"myapex\"" (checked 2 error(s))
    apex_test.go:2053: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:2053: errs[1] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
--- FAIL: TestApexMinSdkVersion_ErrorIfDepIsNewer_Java (0.28s)
    apex_test.go:2094: missing the expected error "module \"bar\".*: should support min_sdk_version\\(29\\) for \"myapex\"" (checked 6 error(s))
    apex_test.go:2094: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:2094: errs[1] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:2094: errs[2] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:2094: errs[3] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:2094: errs[4] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:2094: errs[5] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
--- FAIL: TestApexMinSdkVersion_ErrorIfIncompatibleVersion (0.23s)
    apex_test.go:1795: missing the expected error "module \"mylib\".*: should support min_sdk_version\\(29\\)" (checked 1 error(s))
    apex_test.go:1795: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
--- FAIL: TestApexMinSdkVersion_NativeModulesShouldBeBuiltAgainstStubs (0.26s)
    apex_test.go:1488: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:1488: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:1488: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:1488: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexMinSdkVersion_Okay (0.23s)
    apex_test.go:1872: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:1872: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexMinSdkVersion_OkayEvenWhenDepIsNewer_IfItSatisfiesApexMinSdkVersion (0.25s)
    apex_test.go:2129: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2129: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexMinSdkVersion_SupportsCodeNames (0.24s)
    apex_test.go:1572: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexMinSdkVersion_WorksWithActiveCodenames (0.24s)
    apex_test.go:2218: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexMinSdkVersion_WorksWithSdkCodename (0.26s)
    apex_test.go:2188: missing the expected error "libbar.*: should support min_sdk_version\\(S\\)" (checked 6 error(s))
    apex_test.go:2188: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:2188: errs[1] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:2188: errs[2] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:2188: errs[3] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:2188: errs[4] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:2188: errs[5] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
--- FAIL: TestApexMutatorsDontRunIfDisabled (0.05s)
    apex_test.go:6295: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:6295: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:6295: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:6295: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexName (0.22s)
    apex_test.go:3646: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3646: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3646: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3646: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexPropertiesShouldBeDefaultable (0.23s)
    apex_test.go:5264: missing the expected error "requires \"libfoo\" that doesn't list the APEX under 'apex_available'." (checked 4 error(s))
    apex_test.go:5264: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:5264: errs[1] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:5264: errs[2] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:5264: errs[3] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
--- FAIL: TestApexSet (0.24s)
    apex_test.go:7117: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:7117: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:7117: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexWithAppImports (0.24s)
    apex_test.go:5140: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5140: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5140: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5140: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5140: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5140: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexWithAppImportsPrefer (0.23s)
    apex_test.go:5189: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexWithApps (0.31s)
    apex_test.go:5061: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5061: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5061: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexWithArch (0.23s)
    apex_test.go:3884: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexWithExplicitStubsDependency (0.25s)
    apex_test.go:1033: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:1033: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:1033: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:1033: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexWithJavaImport (0.24s)
    apex_test.go:5032: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5032: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5032: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5032: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexWithJniLibs (0.25s)
    apex_test.go:6253: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:6253: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexWithRuntimeLibsDependency (0.28s)
    apex_test.go:1125: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:1125: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:1125: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexWithShBinary (0.26s)
    apex_test.go:3943: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3943: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3943: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3943: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexWithStubs (0.27s)
    apex_test.go:764: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:764: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:764: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexWithSystemLibsStubs (0.27s)
    apex_test.go:1392: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:1392: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:1392: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexWithTarget (0.27s)
    apex_test.go:3793: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3793: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3793: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3793: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3793: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexWithTestHelperApp (0.23s)
    apex_test.go:5231: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5231: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5231: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5231: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexWithTests (0.25s)
    apex_test.go:4848: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:4848: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:4848: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:4848: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:4848: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:4848: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApex_withPrebuiltFirmware (0.48s)
    --- FAIL: TestApex_withPrebuiltFirmware/system_apex_with_prebuilt_firmware (0.23s)
        apex_test.go:2520: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:2520: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:2520: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:2520: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestApex_withPrebuiltFirmware/vendor_apex_with_prebuilt_firmware (0.24s)
        apex_test.go:2520: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestAppBundle (0.27s)
    apex_test.go:6319: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:6319: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:6319: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:6319: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestAppSetBundle (0.22s)
    apex_test.go:6350: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:6350: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestAppSetBundlePrebuilt (0.30s)
    apex_test.go:6393: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:6393: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestBasicApex (0.22s)
    apex_test.go:301: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:301: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:301: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestBasicZipApex (0.26s)
    apex_test.go:713: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestBootDexJarsFromSourcesAndPrebuilts (1.06s)
    --- FAIL: TestBootDexJarsFromSourcesAndPrebuilts/prebuilt_only (0.18s)
        apex_test.go:4523: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:4523: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:4523: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:4523: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestBootDexJarsFromSourcesAndPrebuilts/apex_set_only (0.15s)
        apex_test.go:4564: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:4564: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestBootDexJarsFromSourcesAndPrebuilts/prebuilt_with_source_library_preferred (0.19s)
        apex_test.go:4630: missing the expected error "module libfoo does not provide a dex boot jar" (checked 4 error(s))
        apex_test.go:4630: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
        apex_test.go:4630: errs[1] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
        apex_test.go:4630: errs[2] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
        apex_test.go:4630: errs[3] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    --- FAIL: TestBootDexJarsFromSourcesAndPrebuilts/prebuilt_library_preferred_with_source (0.17s)
        apex_test.go:4685: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:4685: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:4685: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:4685: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestBootDexJarsFromSourcesAndPrebuilts/prebuilt_with_source_apex_preferred (0.15s)
        apex_test.go:4759: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:4759: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestBootDexJarsFromSourcesAndPrebuilts/prebuilt_preferred_with_source_apex_disabled (0.21s)
        apex_test.go:4835: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:4835: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:4835: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:4835: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestCarryRequiredModuleNames (0.27s)
    apex_test.go:6032: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:6032: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:6032: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestCertificate (1.37s)
    --- FAIL: TestCertificate/if_unspecified,_it_defaults_to_DefaultAppCertificate (0.23s)
        apex_test.go:2713: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestCertificate/override_when_unspecified (0.26s)
        apex_test.go:2731: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:2731: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestCertificate/if_specified_as_:module,_it_respects_the_prop (0.23s)
        apex_test.go:2754: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:2754: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:2754: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:2754: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestCertificate/override_when_specifiec_as_<:module> (0.24s)
        apex_test.go:2777: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestCertificate/if_specified_as_name,_finds_it_from_DefaultDevKeyDir (0.21s)
        apex_test.go:2801: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:2801: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:2801: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestCertificate/override_when_specified_as_<name> (0.20s)
        apex_test.go:2820: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestCompatConfig (0.20s)
    apex_test.go:5963: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestCompressedApex (0.19s)
    apex_test.go:7331: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestDefaults (0.18s)
    apex_test.go:616: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestDependenciesInApexManifest (0.19s)
    apex_test.go:3538: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3538: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3538: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestDexpreoptAccessDexFilesFromPrebuiltApex (0.13s)
    --- FAIL: TestDexpreoptAccessDexFilesFromPrebuiltApex/prebuilt_no_source (0.13s)
        apex_test.go:6773: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:6773: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestErrorsIfDepsAreNotEnabled (0.19s)
    apex_test.go:4986: missing the expected error "module \"myapex\" .* depends on disabled module \"libfoo\"" (checked 6 error(s))
    apex_test.go:4986: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:4986: errs[1] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:4986: errs[2] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:4986: errs[3] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:4986: errs[4] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:4986: errs[5] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
--- FAIL: TestExcludeDependency (0.18s)
    apex_test.go:7420: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:7420: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:7420: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:7420: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestFileContexts_FindInDefaultLocationIfNotSet (0.19s)
    apex_test.go:4017: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestFileContexts_ProductSpecificApexes (0.16s)
    apex_test.go:4055: missing the expected error "\"myapex\" .*: file_contexts: cannot find" (checked 4 error(s))
    apex_test.go:4055: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:4055: errs[1] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:4055: errs[2] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:4055: errs[3] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
--- FAIL: TestFileContexts_SetViaFileGroup (0.18s)
    apex_test.go:4094: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:4094: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:4094: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:4094: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:4094: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestFileContexts_ShouldBeUnderSystemSepolicyForSystemApexes (0.19s)
    apex_test.go:4036: missing the expected error "\"myapex\" .*: file_contexts: should be under system/sepolicy" (checked 6 error(s))
    apex_test.go:4036: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:4036: errs[1] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:4036: errs[2] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:4036: errs[3] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:4036: errs[4] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:4036: errs[5] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
--- FAIL: TestFilesInSubDir (0.19s)
    apex_test.go:2252: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2252: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestFilesInSubDirWhenNativeBridgeEnabled (0.19s)
    apex_test.go:2315: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2315: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2315: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2315: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestHeaderLibsDependency (0.17s)
    apex_test.go:2974: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2974: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2974: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2974: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2974: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestIndirectTestFor (0.17s)
    apex_test.go:7002: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:7002: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:7002: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:7002: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestInstallExtraFlattenedApexes (0.18s)
    apex_test.go:4960: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:4960: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestJavaSDKLibrary (0.19s)
    apex_test.go:5701: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5701: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5701: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5701: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5701: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5701: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestJavaSDKLibrary_CrossBoundary (0.19s)
    apex_test.go:5792: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5792: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5792: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5792: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestJavaSDKLibrary_ImportOnly (0.19s)
    apex_test.go:5933: missing the expected error "java_libs: \"foo\" is not configured to be compiled into dex" (checked 4 error(s))
    apex_test.go:5933: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:5933: errs[1] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:5933: errs[2] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:5933: errs[3] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
--- FAIL: TestJavaSDKLibrary_ImportPreferred (0.18s)
    apex_test.go:5843: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5843: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5843: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5843: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestJavaSDKLibrary_WithinApex (0.19s)
    apex_test.go:5739: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestJavaStableSdkVersion (0.70s)
    --- FAIL: TestJavaStableSdkVersion/Non-updatable_apex_with_non-stable_dep (0.18s)
        apex_test.go:2044: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:2044: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:2044: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestJavaStableSdkVersion/Updatable_apex_with_stable_dep (0.16s)
        apex_test.go:2044: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:2044: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:2044: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:2044: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:2044: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:2044: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestJavaStableSdkVersion/Updatable_apex_with_non-stable_dep (0.18s)
        apex_test.go:2046: missing the expected error "cannot depend on \"myjar\"" (checked 4 error(s))
        apex_test.go:2046: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
        apex_test.go:2046: errs[1] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
        apex_test.go:2046: errs[2] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
        apex_test.go:2046: errs[3] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    --- FAIL: TestJavaStableSdkVersion/Updatable_apex_with_non-stable_transitive_dep (0.18s)
        apex_test.go:2046: missing the expected error "compiles against Android API, but dependency \"transitive-jar\" is compiling against private API." (checked 1 error(s))
        apex_test.go:2046: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
--- FAIL: TestKeys (0.17s)
    apex_test.go:2655: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestLegacyAndroid10Support (0.21s)
    apex_test.go:5641: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestMacro (0.18s)
    apex_test.go:2846: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2846: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2846: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2846: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestNoStaticLinkingToStubsLib (0.15s)
    apex_test.go:7161: missing the expected error ".*required by \"mylib\" is a native library providing stub.*" (checked 1 error(s))
    apex_test.go:7161: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
--- FAIL: TestNoUpdatableJarsInBootImage (0.57s)
    --- FAIL: TestNoUpdatableJarsInBootImage/updatable_jar_from_ART_apex_in_the_ART_boot_image_=>_ok (0.09s)
        apex_test.go:6701: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:6701: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:6701: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:6701: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestNoUpdatableJarsInBootImage/updatable_jar_from_ART_apex_in_the_framework_boot_image_=>_error (0.09s)
        apex_test.go:6708: missing the expected error "module \"some-art-lib\" from updatable apexes \\[\"\"\\] is not allowed in the framework boot image" (checked 4 error(s))
        apex_test.go:6708: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
        apex_test.go:6708: errs[1] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
        apex_test.go:6708: errs[2] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
        apex_test.go:6708: errs[3] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    --- FAIL: TestNoUpdatableJarsInBootImage/updatable_jar_from_some_other_apex_in_the_framework_boot_image_=>_error (0.08s)
        apex_test.go:6728: missing the expected error "module \"some-updatable-apex-lib\" from updatable apexes \\[\"some-updatable-apex\"\\] is not allowed in the framework boot image" (checked 4 error(s))
        apex_test.go:6728: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
        apex_test.go:6728: errs[1] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
        apex_test.go:6728: errs[2] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
        apex_test.go:6728: errs[3] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    --- FAIL: TestNoUpdatableJarsInBootImage/non-updatable_jar_from_some_other_apex_in_the_framework_boot_image_=>_ok (0.08s)
        apex_test.go:6737: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:6737: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:6737: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:6737: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestNoUpdatableJarsInBootImage/platform_jar_in_the_framework_boot_image_=>_ok (0.08s)
        apex_test.go:6761: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:6761: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:6761: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:6761: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestNonPreferredPrebuiltDependency (0.11s)
    apex_test.go:7295: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestNonTestApex (0.11s)
    apex_test.go:3691: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3691: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3691: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestOverrideApex (0.11s)
    apex_test.go:5540: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:5540: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestPlatformUsesLatestStubsFromApexes (0.11s)
    apex_test.go:1671: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:1671: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:1671: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestPrebuilt (0.11s)
    apex_test.go:4155: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:4155: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestPrebuiltApexName (0.11s)
    apex_test.go:4223: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:4223: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:4223: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:4223: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:4223: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestPrebuiltExportDexImplementationJars (0.23s)
    --- FAIL: TestPrebuiltExportDexImplementationJars/prebuilt_only (0.08s)
        apex_test.go:4326: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:4326: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:4326: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:4326: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestPrebuiltExportDexImplementationJars/prebuilt_with_source_preferred (0.07s)
        apex_test.go:4387: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:4387: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestPrebuiltExportDexImplementationJars/prebuilt_preferred_with_source (0.08s)
        apex_test.go:4437: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:4437: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:4437: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        apex_test.go:4437: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestPrebuiltFilenameOverride (0.11s)
    apex_test.go:4186: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:4186: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:4186: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestPrebuiltOverrides (0.11s)
    apex_test.go:4203: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:4203: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:4203: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:4203: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestPrebuiltStubLibDep (0.66s)
    --- FAIL: TestPrebuiltStubLibDep/only_source (0.21s)
        --- FAIL: TestPrebuiltStubLibDep/only_source/otherapex_enabled_true (0.11s)
            apex_test.go:7564: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        --- FAIL: TestPrebuiltStubLibDep/only_source/otherapex_enabled_false (0.11s)
            apex_test.go:7564: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
            apex_test.go:7564: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
            apex_test.go:7564: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
            apex_test.go:7564: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
            apex_test.go:7564: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
            apex_test.go:7564: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestPrebuiltStubLibDep/source_preferred (0.22s)
        --- FAIL: TestPrebuiltStubLibDep/source_preferred/otherapex_enabled_true (0.11s)
            apex_test.go:7564: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
            apex_test.go:7564: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
            apex_test.go:7564: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        --- FAIL: TestPrebuiltStubLibDep/source_preferred/otherapex_enabled_false (0.11s)
            apex_test.go:7564: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
            apex_test.go:7564: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
            apex_test.go:7564: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
            apex_test.go:7564: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
            apex_test.go:7564: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestPrebuiltStubLibDep/prebuilt_preferred (0.11s)
        --- FAIL: TestPrebuiltStubLibDep/prebuilt_preferred/otherapex_enabled_false (0.11s)
            apex_test.go:7564: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
            apex_test.go:7564: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestPrebuiltStubLibDep/only_prebuilt (0.11s)
        --- FAIL: TestPrebuiltStubLibDep/only_prebuilt/otherapex_enabled_false (0.11s)
            apex_test.go:7564: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
            apex_test.go:7564: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
            apex_test.go:7564: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
            apex_test.go:7564: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
            apex_test.go:7564: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
            apex_test.go:7564: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestPreferredPrebuiltSharedLibDep (0.11s)
    apex_test.go:7368: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:7368: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:7368: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestProductVariant (0.13s)
    apex_test.go:2476: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestQApexesUseLatestStubsInBundledBuildsAndHWASAN (0.11s)
    apex_test.go:1726: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:1726: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:1726: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:1726: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestQTargetApexUsesStaticUnwinder (0.11s)
    apex_test.go:1765: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:1765: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:1765: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:1765: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:1765: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:1765: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestRejectNonInstallableJavaLibrary (0.11s)
    apex_test.go:6006: missing the expected error "\"myjar\" is not configured to be compiled into dex" (checked 5 error(s))
    apex_test.go:6006: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:6006: errs[1] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:6006: errs[2] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:6006: errs[3] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:6006: errs[4] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
--- FAIL: TestStaticLinking (0.12s)
    apex_test.go:2610: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2610: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2610: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2610: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2610: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2610: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestSymlinksFromApexToSystem (0.13s)
    apex_test.go:6176: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:6176: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:6176: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:6176: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:6176: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:6176: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestSymlinksFromApexToSystemRequiredModuleNames (0.12s)
    apex_test.go:6201: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:6201: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:6201: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:6201: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestTestApex (0.12s)
    apex_test.go:3744: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3744: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3744: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3744: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3744: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3744: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestTestFor (0.12s)
    apex_test.go:6925: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:6925: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:6925: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:6925: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestTestForForLibInOtherApex (0.12s)
    apex_test.go:7063: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestUpdatableDefault_should_set_min_sdk_version (0.13s)
    apex_test.go:6655: missing the expected error "\"myapex\" .*: updatable: updatable APEXes should set min_sdk_version" (checked 5 error(s))
    apex_test.go:6655: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:6655: errs[1] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:6655: errs[2] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:6655: errs[3] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:6655: errs[4] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
--- FAIL: TestUpdatable_should_set_min_sdk_version (0.12s)
    apex_test.go:6639: missing the expected error "\"myapex\" .*: updatable: updatable APEXes should set min_sdk_version" (checked 6 error(s))
    apex_test.go:6639: errs[0] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:6639: errs[1] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:6639: errs[2] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:6639: errs[3] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:6639: errs[4] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
    apex_test.go:6639: errs[5] = "\"Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\\\"10.10\\\" \\\"10.11\\\" \\\"10.12\\\" \\\"10.13\\\" \\\"10.14\\\" \\\"10.15\\\" \\\"11.0\\\" \\\"11.1\\\"]\""
--- FAIL: TestVendorApex (0.12s)
    apex_test.go:2374: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2374: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2374: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2374: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2374: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2374: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVendorApex_use_vndk_as_stable (0.13s)
    apex_test.go:2421: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2421: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2421: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2421: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:2421: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVndkApexCurrent (0.12s)
    apex_test.go:3118: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3118: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3118: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3118: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVndkApexForVndkLite (0.11s)
    vndk_test.go:12: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    vndk_test.go:12: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    vndk_test.go:12: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    vndk_test.go:12: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    vndk_test.go:12: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    vndk_test.go:12: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVndkApexNameRule (0.12s)
    apex_test.go:3328: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3328: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3328: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3328: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3328: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVndkApexShouldNotProvideNativeLibs (0.15s)
    apex_test.go:3502: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3502: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3502: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3502: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVndkApexSkipsNativeBridgeSupportedModules (0.13s)
    apex_test.go:3361: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3361: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3361: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVndkApexUsesVendorVariant (0.40s)
    --- FAIL: TestVndkApexUsesVendorVariant/VNDK_lib_doesn't_have_an_apex_variant (0.12s)
        vndk_test.go:105: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestVndkApexUsesVendorVariant/VNDK_APEX_gathers_only_vendor_variants_even_if_product_variants_are_available (0.14s)
        vndk_test.go:118: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        vndk_test.go:118: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        vndk_test.go:118: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        vndk_test.go:118: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    --- FAIL: TestVndkApexUsesVendorVariant/VNDK_APEX_supports_coverage_variants (0.14s)
        vndk_test.go:130: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        vndk_test.go:130: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        vndk_test.go:130: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        vndk_test.go:130: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        vndk_test.go:130: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
        vndk_test.go:130: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVndkApexVersion (0.12s)
    apex_test.go:3259: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVndkApexWithBinder32 (0.08s)
    apex_test.go:3433: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestVndkApexWithPrebuilt (0.14s)
    apex_test.go:3175: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:3175: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApexWithStubsWithMinSdkVersion (0.21s)
    apex_test.go:859: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:859: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
--- FAIL: TestApex_PlatformUsesLatestStubFromApex (0.21s)
    apex_test.go:966: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:966: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:966: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
    apex_test.go:966: "Could not find a supported mac sdk: [\"10.10\" \"10.11\" \"10.12\" \"10.13\" \"10.14\" \"10.15\" \"11.0\" \"11.1\"]"
07:16:33 soong bootstrap failed with: exit status 1
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

#### failed to build some targets (02:03 (mm:ss)) ####


可以去 github 下载支持的SDK版本,然后解压缩到以下目录:


例如日志中支持的最新SDK版本是11.1,恰好Xcode 13.2.1支持的最低版本正好是这个版本,于是下载该版本并直接解压缩到上面的目录(也可本站下载),然后继续编译:


$ m

build/make/core/ warning: BOARD_PLAT_PUBLIC_SEPOLICY_DIR has been deprecated. Use SYSTEM_EXT_PUBLIC_SEPOLICY_DIRS instead.
build/make/core/ warning: BOARD_PLAT_PRIVATE_SEPOLICY_DIR has been deprecated. Use SYSTEM_EXT_PRIVATE_SEPOLICY_DIRS instead.
PRODUCT_SOONG_NAMESPACES=device/generic/goldfish device/generic/goldfish-opengl hardware/google/camera hardware/google/camera/devices/EmulatedCamera
[ 91% 228/250] test android/soong/sdk
2023/04/01 22:06:26 Skipping as sdk snapshot generation is only supported on linux_glibc not darwin
[100% 250/250] out/soong/.bootstrap/bin/soong_build out/soong/
FAILED: out/soong/
cd "$(dirname "out/soong/.bootstrap/bin/soong_build")" && BUILDER="$PWD/$(basename "out/soong/.bootstrap/bin/soong_build")" && cd / && env -i "$BUILDER"     --top "$TOP"     --out "out/soong"     -n "out"     -d "out/soong/"     -t -l out/.module_paths/Android.bp.list -globFile out/soong/.bootstrap/ -o out/soong/ --available_env out/soong/soong.environment.available --used_env out/soong/soong.environment.used Android.bp
error: external/crosvm/bit_field/Android.bp:80:1: module "libbit_field" variant "android_x86_64_rlib_rlib-std": depends on disabled module "libbit_field_derive"
22:08:56 soong bootstrap failed with: exit status 1

#### failed to build some targets (03:13 (mm:ss)) ####


根据Google官方文档,2021年6月22日之后的Android系统版本不支持在macOS系统上构建,我们只能构建之前的版本,或者之后发布的以前版本的补丁修复。目前测试最高只能编译到Android 12.0,Android 12.1编译不通过。

Important: Platform development on MacOS isn't supported as of June 22, 2021.

使用Android Studio阅读源码



依次执行以下命令,生成IDE工程信息文件 android.iprandroid.iml

$ source build/ 

$ mmma development/tools/idegen 

$ development/tools/idegen/

2、修改Android Studio配置


//  Help > Edit Custom VM Options



重启Android Studio使配置生效,然后用Android Studio打开第一步中生成的 android.ipr 文件,由于工程很大,需要较长的时间建立索引(我这台机器花了将近2个小时),请耐心等待。

4、创建JDK 1.8 (No Libraries)


所以我们需要创建JDK 1.8 (No Libraries),点击 Configure...,然后选择Add JDK

直接选择jdk1.8.0_181.jdk/Contents/Homeopen之后JDK 1.8 (No Libraries)就创建好了

然后我们需要在项目的SDK 配置中删掉刚才创建的JDK 1.8 (No Libraries)中Classpath里面所有的jar,以保证跳转到AOSP的源码而不是系统安装的JDK中:



完成以上步骤然后同步一下,就可以愉快的在Android Studio中阅读Android源码了,相比于使用sublime等纯文本工具阅读代码,这种方式的优势在于在跟进方法调用时很方便,可以直接control+鼠标左键 进行代码跳转,而这种便捷的代价就是可能需要花上数天完成 环境配置 + 代码下载 + 源码整编。

