使用VNC Viewer连接树莓派4B远程桌面提示错误“Cannot currently show the dekstop”

使用`VNC Viewer`连接`树莓派4B`远程桌面提示错误“`Cannot currently show the dekstop`”,如下图: 继续阅读使用VNC Viewer连接树莓派4B远程桌面提示错误“Cannot currently show the dekstop”

Using QEMU to emulate a Raspberry Pi

If you're building software for the Raspberry Pi (like I sometimes do), it can be a pain to have to constantly keep Pi hardware around and spotting Pi-specific problems can be difficult until too late.

One option (and the one I most like) is to emulate a Raspberry Pi locally before ever hitting the device. Why?

  • Works anywhere you can install QEMU
  • No hardware setup needed (no more scratching around for a power supply)
  • Faster feedback cycle compared to hardware
  • I can use Pi software (like Raspbian) in a virtual context
  • I can prep my "virtual Pi" with all the tools I need regardless of my physical Pi's use case

Given I'm next-to-useless at Python, that last one is pretty important as it allows me to install every Python debugging and testing tool known to man on my virtual Pi while my end-product hardware stays comparatively pristine.

Getting started

First, you'll need a few prerequisites:

QEMU (more specifically qemu-system-arm)

You can find all the packages for your chosen platform on the QEMU website and is installable across Linux, macOS and even Windows.


Simply download the copy of Raspbian you need from the official site. Personally, I used the 2018-11-13 version of Raspbian Lite, since I don't need an X server.


Since the standard RPi kernel can't be booted out of the box on QEMU, we'll need a custom kernel. We'll cover that in the next step.


Get your kernel

First, you'll need to download a kernel. Personally, I (along with most people) use the dhruvvyas90/qemu-rpi-kernel repository's kernels. Either clone the repo:

$ git clone https://github.com/dhruvvyas90/qemu-rpi-kernel.git

or download a kernel directly:

$ wget https://github.com/dhruvvyas90/qemu-rpi-kernel/raw/master/kernel-qemu-4.4.34-jessie

or download a snapshot from my website directly:

$ wget https://www.mobibrw.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/qemu-rpi-kernel.zip

For the rest of these steps I'm going to be using the kernel-qemu-4.4.34-jessiekernel, so update the commands as needed if you're using another version.

Filesystem image

This step is optional, but recommended

When you download the Raspbian image it will be in the raw format, a plain disk image (generally with an .img extension).

A more efficient option is to convert this to a qcow2 image first. Use the qemu-imgcommand to do this:

$ qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 2018-11-13-raspbian-stretch-lite.img raspbian-stretch-lite.qcow

Now we can also easily expand the image:

$ qemu-img resize raspbian-stretch-lite.qcow +6G

You can check on your image using the qemu-img info command


You've got everything you need now: a kernel, a disk image, and QEMU!

Actually running the virtual Pi is done using the qemu-system-arm command and it can be quite complicated. The full command is this (don't worry it's explained below):

$ sudo qemu-system-arm \
-kernel ./kernel-qemu-4.4.34-jessie \
-append "root=/dev/sda2 panic=1 rootfstype=ext4 rw" \
-hda raspbian-stretch-lite.qcow \
-cpu arm1176 -m 256 \
-M versatilepb \
-no-reboot \
-serial stdio \
-net nic -net user


$ sudo qemu-system-arm \
-kernel ./kernel-qemu-4.4.34-jessie \
-append "root=/dev/sda2 panic=1 rootfstype=ext4 rw" \
-hda raspbian-stretch-lite.qcow \
-cpu arm1176 -m 256 \
-M versatilepb \
-no-reboot \
-serial stdio \
-net nic -net user \
-net tap,ifname=vnet0,script=no,downscript=no

So, in order:

  • sudo qemu-system-arm: you need to run QEMU as root
  • -kernel: this is the path to the QEMU kernel we downloaded in the previous step
  • -append: here we are providing the boot args direct to the kernel, telling it where to find it's root filesytem and what type it is
  • -hda: here we're attaching the disk image itself
  • -cpu/-m: this sets the CPU type and RAM limit to match a Raspberry Pi
  • -M: this sets the machine we are emulating. versatilepb is the 'ARM Versatile/PB' machine
  • -no-reboot: just tells QEMU to exit rather than rebooting the machine
  • -serial: redirects the machine's virtual serial port to our host's stdio
  • -net: this configures the machine's network stack to attach a NIC, use the user-mode stack, connect the host's vnet0 TAP device to the new NIC and don't use config scripts.

If it's all gone well, you should now have a QEMU window pop up and you should see the familiar Raspberry Pi boot screen show up.

Now, go get yourself a drink to celebrate, because it might take a little while.


Now, that's all well and good, but without networking, we may as well be back on hardware. When the machine started, it will have attached a NIC and connected it to the host's vnet0 TAP device. If we configure that device with an IP and add it to a bridge on our host, you should be able to reliably access it like any other virtual machine.

(on host) Find a bridge and address

This will vary by host, but on my Fedora machine, for example, there is a pre-configured virbr0 bridge interface with an address in the space:

virbr0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        ether 00:00:00:1e:77:43  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)

I'm going to use this bridge and just pick a static address for my Pi:

Reusing an existing (pre-configured) bridge means you won't need to sort your own routing

(in guest) Configure interface

NOTE: I'm assuming Stretch here.

Open /etc/dhcpcd.conf in your new virtual Pi and configure the eth0 interface with a static address in your bridge's subnet. For example, for my bridge:

# in /etc/dhcpcd.conf
interface eth0
static ip_address=
static routers=
static domain_name_servers=

You may need to reboot for this to take effect

(in host) Add TAP to bridge

Finally, add the machine's TAP interface to your chosen bridge with the brctl command:

$ sudo brctl addif virbr0 vnet0

Now, on your host, you should be able to ping (or your Pi's address).

Set up SSH

Now, in your machine, you can run sudo raspi-config and enable the SSH server (in the "Interfacing Options" menu at time of writing).

Make sure you change the password from default while you're there!

Finally, on your host, run ssh-copy-id pi@ to copy your SSH key into the Pi's pi user and you can now SSH directly into your Pi without a password prompt.


Using QEMU to emulate a Raspberry Pi

usbip--ubuntu 16.04(USB局域网共享)


下面我们看一下如何在ubuntu 16.04跟树莓派(raspberry pi)以及树莓派之间实现USB设备在局域网的共享。


# 升级内核以及附属驱动模块
$ sudo rpi-update

$ sudo apt-get install usbip

# 加载驱动模块
$ sudo modprobe usbip-core

$ sudo modprobe vhci-hcd

$ sudo modprobe usbip_host

# 打开监听服务接收来自其他机器的请求
$ sudo usbipd -D

# 列出本机的USB设备列表
$ sudo usbip list -l

# 通知底层驱动,绑定设备,远端可看到我们绑定过的设备,我们的设备ID为1-1.3
$ sudo usbip --debug bind -b 1-1.3

客户端的树莓派或者ubuntu 16.04,执行如下操作查看以及操作服务端的设备。


$ sudo apt-get install usbip

# 'sudo usbip version' usbip (usbip-utils 2.0) raspberry pi
# 服务器IP地址 ,列出服务端的设备列表
$ sudo usbip list -r --debug

# 服务器IP地址 ,设备ID 1-1.3
$ sudo usbip attach -r -b 1-1.3

ubuntu 16.04

$ sudo apt-get install linux-tools-`uname -r` 

# 'sudo /usr/lib/linux-tools/`uname -r`/usbip version' usbip (usbip-utils 2.0) raspberry pi
# 服务器IP地址 ,列出服务端的设备列表
$ sudo /usr/lib/linux-tools/`uname -r`/usbip list -r --debug

# 服务器IP地址 ,设备ID 1-1.3
$ sudo /usr/lib/linux-tools/`uname -r`/usbip attach -r -b 1-1.3



pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo usbip port
usbip: error: failed to open /usr/share/hwdata//usb.ids
libusbip: error: udev_device_new_from_subsystem_sysname failed
usbip: error: open vhci_driver
usbip: error: list imported devices


# 加载驱动模块 
$ sudo modprobe usbip-core 

$ sudo modprobe vhci-hcd

如果出错信息如下(比如ubuntu 16.04):

$ sudo usbip --list --debug
usbip dbg: usbip_network.c: 221 (tcp_connect ) trying port 3240

usbip dbg: usbip_network.c: 241 (tcp_connect ) connected to
usbip err: usbip_network.c: 119 (usbip_recv_op_common) recv op_common, -1
usbip err: vhci_attach.c: 202 (query_exported_devices) recv op_common
usbip err: vhci_attach.c: 417 (show_exported_devices) query


$ sudo usbip -v
usbip 0.1.7 ($Id: vhci_attach.c 42 2007-09-07 12:07:51Z hirofuchi $)



$ sudo apt-get install linux-tools-`uname -r` 

$ sudo /usr/lib/linux-tools/`uname -r`/usbip list -r --debug


$ sudo usbip --debug bind -b 1-1.3
usbip: debug: usbip.c:141:[run_command] running command: `bind'
usbip: debug: sysfs_utils.c:18:[write_sysfs_attribute] error opening attribute /sys/bus/usb/drivers/usbip-host/match_busid
usbip: debug: utils.c:50:[modify_match_busid] failed to write match_busid: No such file or directory
usbip: error: unable to bind device on 1-1.3


$ sudo modprobe usbip_host


Raspberry Pi Zero W解决调试信息不足的问题(以libzmq-dev为例)

最近在参照 树莓派实时系统下脚本语言的选择(应当使用Lua而不是Python) 调用调试lua-zmq的时候,发现使用PAIR模式进行线程之间通信,长时间运行后会出现死锁的情况。



$ sudo apt install libzmq-dbg

# 系统默认的lua 5.1的符号信息使用如下命令安装
$ sudo apt-get install liblua5.1-0-dbg

# libreadline提供了多个版本(5,6,7),根据需要下载对应的版本
$ sudo apt-get install libreadline6-dbg

# sudo apt-get install search libtinfo* 根据返回的结果安装
$ sudo apt-get install libtinfo5-dbg


# 打开源代码的源
$ sudo sed -i "s/^#deb-src/deb-src/g" /etc/apt/sources.list

# 安装必要的编译工具
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential devscripts lintian

$ cd ~

# 下载源代码,此处不可sudo,否则后续操作会出现权限问题
$ apt-get source libzmq-dev

$ cd zeromq*/

# 安装依赖项
$ sudo apt-get install libpgm-dev

$ sudo apt-get install uuid-dev

$ debuild -us -uc -b

$ cd ..

$ sudo dpkg -i libzmq-dev*.deb

$ sudo dpkg -i libzmq-dbg*.deb

$ sudo ldconfig


$ sudo apt-get -y install cmake

$ git clone git://github.com/Neopallium/lua-zmq.git

$ git checkout v1.1

$ cd lua-zmq ; mkdir build ; cd build

$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..

$ make

$ sudo make install

$ sudo ldconfig

解决Raspberry PI Zero W中Lua使用lua-periphery与Python中设置的GPIO端口不一致的问题


当时选择lua-periphery的原因在于rpi-gpioRaspberry PI Zero W中使用的时候会崩溃。这个原因是在于cpuinfo.c这个文件中缺少对于BCM2835这颗新的CPU的判断,只判断了BCM2708估计写这个库的时候,只有BCM2708)。导致RPi_GPIO_Lua_module.c在初始化GPIO的时候抛出了异常。这个已经有人提交了代码合并请求,估计很快会修复。

但是在lua-periphery中,没有对于GPIO进行重新映射,导致跟rpi-gpio以及树莓派自带的Python库在设置GPIO的时候,端口号对应不一致。比如,在Python中设置GPIO 22,执行命令观察ls /sys/class/gpio/,会发现系统创建的是GPIO 25这个对应关系就是通过查表获取的。如下图:
继续阅读解决Raspberry PI Zero W中Lua使用lua-periphery与Python中设置的GPIO端口不一致的问题

解决Raspberry Pi安装libgtk2.0-dev出错的问题


$ sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev


Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 libgtk2.0-dev : Depends: libpango1.0-dev (>= 1.20) but it is not going to be installed
                 Depends: libcairo2-dev (>= 1.6.4-6.1) but it is not going to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.


$ sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspi.list


#deb http://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian/ stretch main ui staging
# Uncomment line below then 'apt-get update' to enable 'apt-get source'
#deb-src http://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian/ stretch main ui


$ sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspi.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspi.list.bak

$ sudo sed -i "s/^\#deb/deb/g" /etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspi.list


Unable to install libgtk2.0-dev on Raspberry Pi 2

解决Raspberry Pi Zero W启动后没有在HDMI口输出内容的问题

最新在使用的Raspberry Pi Zero W V1.3在使用目前(2018.09.26)的系统的时候发现无法正常输出内容到屏幕上面,屏幕一直黑屏无信号。

原因在于Raspberry Pi Zero W在启动的时候没有正确检测到屏幕信号,导致没有正常输出。

解决方法是打开启动配置文件/boot/config.txt, 找到如下内容:


# uncomment if hdmi display is not detected and composite is being output



# uncomment if hdmi display is not detected and composite is being output



在实际运行过程中,发现当长时间运行的是,会出现中断管脚信号丢失的情况,在参考 Ubuntu 16.04 (x64)下从源代码为Raspberry Pi Zero W编译实时内核  更换为实时内核之后,短时间运行已经可以正常,但是在十几个小时之后,依然出现了中断丢失的现象。



尤其是Lua 5.1开始使用最新的GC已经能很好的解决实时性问题。



Ubuntu 16.04 (x64)下从源代码为Raspberry Pi Zero W编译实时内核

首先参考 Ubuntu 16.04 (x64)树莓派B+ (Raspberry Pi B+)源代码编译 保证能够成功编译标准内核的源代码,然后切换到实时内核分支,并执行如下编译命令:

$ export PATH=$PATH:~/rpi/rpi-tools/arm-bcm2708/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian-x64/bin

$ cd ~/rpi/rpi-linux/
$ git checkout rpi-4.14.y-rt

$ git reset --hard

$ KERNEL=kernel
$ make clean

$ make mrproper

$ rm -rf .config

$ sed -i '$a\CONFIG_HZ_1000=y' arch/arm/configs/bcmrpi_defconfig

#Raspberry Pi Zero W的CPU是BCM2835
$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- bcmrpi_defconfig

$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- zImage modules dtbs -j8
$ mkdir rt_kernel
$ make modules_install ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- INSTALL_MOD_PATH=./rt_kernel -j8

$ make dtbs_install ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- INSTALL_DTBS_PATH=./rt_kernel -j8

$ ./scripts/mkknlimg ./arch/arm/boot/zImage ./rt_kernel/kernel.img


$ cd ~/rpi/rpi-linux

$ mv /media/`whoami`/boot/kernel.img /media/`whoami`/boot/kernel_old.img

$ mv /media/`whoami`/boot/overlays /media/`whoami`/boot/overlays.old

$ cp rt_kernel/kernel.img /media/`whoami`/boot/kernel.img

$ cp rt_kernel/bcm2835*.dtb /media/`whoami`/boot/

$ cp -r rt_kernel/overlays /media/`whoami`/boot/

$ sudo cp -r rt_kernel/lib/modules/* /media/`whoami`/rootfs/lib/modules/

$ sudo umount -A -R -a /media/`whoami`/boot


下面,我们以ASIX AX88772系列的USB有线网卡驱动的编译为例:

$ export PATH=$PATH:~/rpi/rpi-tools/arm-bcm2708/gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-raspbian-x64/bin

$ cd ~/rpi/rpi-linux

# wget https://www.mobibrw.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/AX88772C_772B_772A_760_772_178_LINUX_DRIVER_v4.22.0_Source.tar.bz2

$ wget http://www.asix.com.tw/FrootAttach/driver/AX88772C_772B_772A_760_772_178_LINUX_DRIVER_v4.22.0_Source.tar.bz2

$ tar xvf AX88772C_772B_772A_760_772_178_LINUX_DRIVER_v4.22.0_Source.tar.bz2

$ cd AX88772C_772B_772A_760_772_178_LINUX_DRIVER_v4.22.0_Source

$ make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- -C ../ M=`pwd`

#当前目录下就会生成 asix.ko 这个内核模块,生成的内核模块拷贝到指定的目录即可正常工作

使用上面的命令安装完成内核后,目前(2018.09.26)遇到的问题为,当插入ASIX AX88772系列的USB有线网卡之后,会导致内核崩溃,启动失败。


Bus 001 Device 034: ID 0b95:7720 ASIX Electronics Corp. AX88772




$ sed -i '$a\\ndtoverlay=dwc2' /media/`whoami`/boot/config.txt

